Technology Department » Balancing Screen Time: Fostering Digital Wellness in Education

Balancing Screen Time: Fostering Digital Wellness in Education

Welcome to our school's digital hub, where we recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in screen time for our students. As technology continues to shape the educational landscape, we are committed to fostering digital wellness and empowering our students to navigate the digital world responsibly.
At BSD, we believe in utilizing the power of technology to enhance learning while promoting critical thinking, creativity, and social-emotional growth. We understand that screens are valuable tools for education, but we also recognize the need for moderation and mindful engagement.
We emphasize developing digital citizenship skills, empowering students to make responsible choices, practice online safety, and confidently navigate the digital landscape. 
We encourage a balanced approach to screen time, recognizing the importance of offline activities, physical exercise, and social interactions. Our school community promotes a culture of healthy habits, where students are encouraged to engage in various interests, hobbies, and extracurricular activities beyond the screen.
As partners in your child's education, we invite you to collaborate with us in fostering a healthy digital environment. Together, we can set realistic expectations, establish guidelines, and encourage open communication about screen time at home and in school.
At BSD, we strive to empower our students to become responsible digital citizens with the skills and knowledge to thrive in a technology-driven world. 
Below are some resources to help mindful screen time with your children.