Health Services » Health Services

Health Services

P168X | Student Health

The goal of the District Nursing team is to promote a safe and healthy school environment for all of our students to thrive. We work diligently to support the academic success of our students through the integration of professional nursing skills, health education, and collaboration with our multidisciplinary team, parents, care teams, and community partners. We recognize each students individual needs and acknowledge the importance of working to help them reach their fullest potential. 


State Required Screenings/Assessments

Vision and Hearing Screenings

To identify potential health barriers in order to maximize the student’s ability to learn, the district conducts the following screenings mandated by state of California: (Ed Code 49455, 49456, 49452.5)


  • Vision: Grades TK, K, 2, 5, 8 and first year in the California public school system
  • Color Vision: Grades 1 boys only
  • Hearing: Grades TK, K, or 2, 5, and 8, and first year in the California public school system


In addition, students who are being assessed for initial and three-year review for special education services, and students referred by a teacher or parent will also be tested for vision and hearing. Those who do not pass the initial screening will be retested. Parents will be notified and referred for further follow-up only when a problem is identified.

Parents may submit a written request for exemption from any of the above health screenings to [email protected]

Vision and Hearing Screening Near Me


Kindergarten Health Forms | Northwest Public Schools

For your convenience, a list of health clinics in San Mateo County is provided to assist you in scheduling a health exam and/or a vaccine appointment. 

100,000 Pediatric Vector Images | Depositphotos

Chronic Conditions

When a chronic medical condition presents it is the role of the District Nurse to work in collaboration with the student’s healthcare providers, healthcare teams, and a variety of specialists to ensure that an appropriate plan of care is provided by the student’s physician and in place for the school setting. Once a set plan of care is in the place the District nurse then educates the school interdisciplinary team on the plan and provides adequate training to staff members working with the individualized students to promote safety and security within our school communities.

**If your student has an action plan in place it will need to be updated each new school year and submitted to the district nurse so that the appropriate training can take place. Please make sure that you have the physician create an updated care plan, as well as complete a medication authorization form so that we can provide care to your students in alignment with the doctors orders. If you have any questions please feel free to send an email.

Star Images - Free Download on FreepikEVERY CHILD DESERVES A SCHOOL NURSEStar Images - Free Download on Freepik

What Do School Nurse Make A Year - 2024 Company Salaries


If you have any questions, concerns, or need access to health-related resources in our county, please feel free to contact [email protected]



School Health Team

Our two district  nurses provide health services for our seven school sites in the  Burlingame School District.

District Registered Nurse Nicole Miller, BSN, RN, PHN. (Right)

District Licensed Vocational Nurse Rosana Bratt-Perieff, LVN. (Left)

Email: [email protected]

Schools Served: All schools served.